Queen Victoria and her Family.

Queen Victoria and her Family.


Who was Queen Victoria?

  • Born on May 24, 1819
  • Her 63 years reign was the longest in British history. It is also know as the Victorian Era
  • Her uncle King William IV had no children so Victoria became Queen.
  • Monarchy in Britain survived because Queen Victoria allowed the switch from political ruler to symbolic ruler.
  • The Queen married her cousin Prince Albert when she was 29 years old.
  • Victoria withdrew from all social activities and dressed in black for all occasions when Albert died in 1816.
  • The Queen died on Jan 22 1901 and her eldest son became King Edward VII.
-Sherry, H

What was life like during the Victorian Era? 

  • Life For the Upper and middle classes were easy.
  • They had large families, up to five to six children.
  • The Fathers or Men were always head of the household. And the Mothers never did house work.
  • Most children spend most of there time is nursery’s and would be raised by their nanny.
  • Some would only see their parents once a day.
  • All Household except for the poor had servants to do their the day work.
  • For The poorer families their greatest fear was working in a workhouse.
  • children were expected to help towards the family budget.
  • Many people could not afford the rents. 
-Sydney. B