Queen Victoria and her Family.

Queen Victoria and her Family.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Family Life.

Upper and Middle Class Families.

Families were very important to Victorians. They were usually had a large family, in 1870 the average family had five or six children. Most upper and middle class families lived in big, comfortable houses.
The father was the head of the household. They were strict to there kids and tough them to respect their father.
The Mothers usually never did house work; or cook, they would plan parties or visiting friends. But raising there children was very important. They believed that teaching them from right and wrong, and for them to grow up to be a respectful adult.
Most children in the middle class spend most of there time is nursery’s and would be raised by their nanny. Victorian children were expected to rise early, because lying in bed was thought to be lazy and sinful. The nanny would-be paid about £25 a year to wash, dress and watch over the children, take them out and teach them how to behave. Some would only see their parents once a day. In the evening, clean and tidy the children were allowed downstairs for an hour before they went to bed. Some mothers taught their children to read and write and sometimes fathers taught their sons Latin.
All Household except for the poor had servants to do their the day work. The cook and butler were the most important.

Poor Working Class.

For The poorer families their greatest fear was working in a workhouse, were thousand of homeless families were forces to live. Because the families were so poor, children were expected to help towards the family budget. They often worked long hours on dangerous jobs and difficult situation for very little wage low wages and the scrambles for jobs meant that people needed to live neat to where work was available.
Many people could not afford the rents that were being charged and so they rented out space in their room. Consequently available housing became scarce and therefore expensive, resulting in overcrowded conditions.



  1. good job sydney, very informative! victorian people sound fairly snobby :P

    -Andrew S.

  2. Man the classes were sure different from one another and they had such different life styles when compared but i agree with Andrew they sound pretty snobby :D

